Online Media & Artwork Programs

Art MediaCreated by Mathias Maierhofer and Valentina Soana on the ICD, ‘Self-Choreographing Community’ is a mission aiming to problem the prevalent separation between (digital) design and (bodily) operation processes of adaptive and interactive architectural techniques. EMARE includes a grant of 3.000 €, a challenge funds of 4.000 €, free lodging, travel bills as much as 500 €, free access to technical facilities and media labs of the host establishment, session by production and market experts and a professional presentation as well as the option to take part in exhibition tours at our members festivals in 2020-2021.

The Artwork+Media Group was began by Mr. Isaac Kerlow, Founding Dean of Nanyang Technological College’s Faculty of Art, Design and Media He additionally partnered with NTU and Nanyang Polytechnic , creating internship programmes through which film, design and animation college students obtain skilled training by immediately collaborating in EOS initiatives.

With a college that includes nationally and internationally recognized students and artists, the Division of Arts, Culture and Media affords innovative courses with an emphasis on integration within the arts and the campus’s city mission of neighborhood engagement.

As a student of this programme, you can be introduced to and specialize in new analysis areas and methodologies, vital for investigating emerging media, performance and contemporary art forms inside as we speak’s rapidly changing culture.

Other means of guaranteeing a very worldwide and multicultural study expertise is to immerse yourself in language research, peer tutoring for different international college students, good friend-family actions, and international projects and themed weeks.…